Getting Started With Banners offers 3 Default Banners.  They are:

Image SRC URL:

ClickThru URL:

Image SRC URL:

ClickThru URL:

Image SRC URL:

ClickThru URL:

I don't recommend the first banner - because obviously you are NOT charging $1 ...  the Challenge is FREE for 30 Days or  PAID at $17.95/month, and this will confuse those you advertise to.

We are also going to offer you 3 CUSTOM Banners furnished by Team Power Elite below...   but if you would like to use one of the TW Banners, here are the instructions for doing so:

Click Banner Campaigns in the Member Extras section of your back office.
Click Create New Banner Campaign.
Confirm that you wish to create a new banner campaign.
The next screen will show you a campaign set up with a default banner and your Affiliate URL.
You have the option to upload a new banner image and change the URL to any other URL you like.

Deleting A Banner Ad

When you go to your Banner Campaigns screen, click the name of the banner campaign you wish to delete.
Click Delete Banner Campaign at the bottom of the screen.

If your banner ad looks stretched or squashed, be sure you 
are uploading a banner that is 468x60.

You do not need to use an AdTracker for your TW Banner 
URL as your Banner Ad Stats are maintained in the Banner 
Campaign section automatically.  You will need to have your 
own Tracker for the CUSTOM BANNERS below.

Your Click-Thru URL is the website that you want visitors to 
go to when they click your banner ad.

Your Banner URL is the image URL that displays your 
banner ad. If your banner ad is hosted on another web site,
you will want to use the full url for the location of that banner, 
such as:
Team Power Elite offers you 3 Custom Banners.  Can you 
create your own banners?  YES! You may create your own
banner images using any graphics program or hire banner 
creation services to do this for you.  Then just be sure you 
have your complete hosted url and upload your own banner
same as the instructions below for the Team Power Elite 



(Right Click the Image & Save To Your Computer
When you go to TW Backoffice/Extras/Banner Campaigns
Create Banner, Upload from your Computer
The Click Edit and fill in your Click Thru URL)


Save Image To Your Computer

ClickThru URL:


Save Image To Your Computer

ClickThru URL:


Save Image To Your Computer

ClickThru URL:

Click Banner Campaigns in the Member Extras section of your back office.
Click Create New Banner Campaign.
Confirm that you wish to create a new banner campaign.
To change from the TW Default Banners and Upload a CUSTOM Banner... click on "Upload Banner Image"   
Note:  Even though I show you the banners on this page - CUSTOM Banner Images MUST be on your hard drive to use with the system...   you have permission to put our banner images on your hard drive.   Simply follow these directions:
Upload A Custom Banner Image
for your Make Real Money Online Challenge Banner Campaign:
If you'd like to upload a new custom banner for your campaign, you do it right inside your back office under Extras > Banner Campaigns.
If you are uploading an image you are creating... Remember - All banner images
MUST be 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall!  (468x60)

"Edit Image/URL Info"
You have the option to upload a new banner image and change the URL to any other URL you like.

You DO need to use an AdTracker for your Custom Banners 
whether from Team Power Elite or one you supply. 

You will learn more about AdTrackers a little later if you do 
not already know how to track.


Did you know that the banner ad is 18 years old? 

And according to comScore, over 5.3 trillion display ads are seen by U.S. consumers?  However, as with any form of marketing, the most important question is always:  do they work? The answer depends on many factors such as creative, targeting the right audience and advertising on the right websites. But ultimately, when done right, banner ads are an effective way to reach your target audience. And reaching the right audience, in the right context, with the right creative, can make for an incredibly successful digital campaign.

To help you better understand why banner ads are an effective method of advertising and why they should be a part of every business’s marketing strategy, I’ve put together the top 5 reasons why banner ads work:

1.) The majority of advertising exposure occurs when your audience's attention is focused elsewhere, such as while browsing a web site. However, a new study reveals that even this incidental exposure to advertising has a positive effect on consumer attitudes.  “Effects of mere exposure are expected to grow in a marketplace where consumers' attention is often focused elsewhere.  Regardless of measured click-through rates, banner ads still create a favorable attitude toward the ad due to repeated exposure.” (Journal of Consumer Research)

2.) Research shows that consumers like to engage with banner ads.  Banner ad CTRs average at 0.07% (Digiday).  

3.) Banner ads have the ability to hyper-target by age, lifestyle, and geography better than most other mediums.  Maybe that’s why eMarketer projected the top five sellers of display advertising to generate $18.6 billion in the U.S. alone in 2013, a 20 percent increase from 2011.  The ad tech industry, tapping into new pools of data and efficient distribution systems, is making display advertising more efficient and more targeted.  By 2015, eMarketer predicts that display will overtake search ads as the top online ad segment. 

4.) Video and display advertising are effective at driving a significant lift in site visitation and SEO, even in the face of minimal clicks on ads. (comScore)

5.) It’s all about ROI.  Marketers continue to pour billions into banner ads due to the sheer scale and efficiency.  Low CPMs, compared to other media, mean that marketers can afford a high volume of impressions at a relatively low cost.  When you combine the business generated directly by clicks with the “collateral damage” that occurs beyond the click, most advertisers find the investment is worth it. 

I included these statistics in order to provide you with an understanding that banner ads do work. With the right planning and creation of a digital display campaign, even free banner ads so as we suggest here, can have a very positive impact on your business marketing efforts. Banner ads allow you to reach hundreds of thousands of potential consumers.

However, remember that banner ads are just one of the many elements that go into creating a successful marketing campaign for your business. 


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